Page 11 - Catholic Extension Magazine Winter 2019
P. 11

Extension | Winter 2019  11

        CHICAGO                 UNITED STATES           EDUCATORS               SISTERS
                                                        UNITED STATES           UNITED STATES

        Partnering with Loyola Uni-  Catholic Extension’s Holy   Another cohort of educa-  In October, we welcomed
        versity Chicago, Catholic   Family Fund provides   tors began new learning   40 Latin American sisters
        Extension offers a Restor-  emergency funds and   through the Catholic   as the second cohort to
        ative Justice Ministry certif-  services to a family after   School Leadership Devel-  participate in our U.S.-Latin
        icate to participants in mis-  one or more of the undoc-  opment Initiative, a part-  American Sisters Exchange
        sion dioceses. Recently,   umented income earning   nership between Loyola   Program, in partnership
        20 people, representing   adults in the home are   Marymount University   with the Hilton Foundation.
        13 dioceses, participat-  detained or deported   and Catholic Extension.   Building on the success of
        ed in this education. The   by the U.S. government.   This online program helps   the first group, the sisters
        program gathers experts in   The fund supports the   prepare educators for fu-  will provide outreach min-
        theology, law and pastoral   family during these abrupt   ture leadership positions   istries and pastoral care to
        ministry to help partici-  family separations, which   by developing knowledge   Hispanic communities
        pants gain a better per-  cause great financial   and skills and creates a   in poor parishes through-
        spective on prison ministry   hardship and trauma. For   pipeline of school leaders   out the country. During their
        and how it can re-orient   more information, visit   in mission dioceses. This   five-year stay, the sisters
        inmates and communities  year 16 leaders from 7 dio-  will receive extensive edu-
        towards greater solidarity   holy-family-fund.  ceses are participating.   cation and training oppor-
        and compassion.                                                 was honored for his lifelong
        I    n  October, Dr. Ramon                                      work in delivering outstand-

             Tallaj, Chairman of
                                                                        ing healthcare access and
             the Board of Bronx-
                                                                        options to poor and under-
             based SOMOS Com-
        munity Care, received                                           served communities in the
                                                                        New York metropolitan area.
        Catholic Extension’s 2019                                       With a strong faith, a moral
        Spirit of Francis Award -                                       sense of duty and profound
        which recognizes individ-                                       compassion, Dr. Tallaj is
        uals or groups for their huge commitment        breaking down barriers to quality healthcare
        to “reach out to the margins of society.” He    among the most vulnerable.

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